This experience of sharing life with others in deep and profound ways is not limited to those of us who have been privileged to work as religious professionals. If you are a human being alive in this world then you are sharing life with other people. You have the potential to make a positive contribution in someone else’s life, and you have the opportunity to be positively impacted by those around you. It doesn’t matter who you are, how easy or challenging your life has been, or how much (or little) you believe in yourself. If you still have breath in your body then there is still time to experience the sacred gift of connection. Richard Bach put it this way in his book “Illusions,” – “Here’s a test to find whether your mission on earth is finished: If you’re alive, it isn’t.”
As I stand at the edge of this transition point in my life, looking back over 40 years of ministry and looking ahead to the new chapter which is about to open up, I invite you to do some reflecting of your own. What has led you to this moment in your life? Where have you experienced Sacred Presence (by whatever name you might choose to call such an experience)? Who has touched your life in ways that shaped you? Whose life have you touched? And then, I would invite you to remember that no matter what such reflections reveal, you are not done yet. The rest of your story has not yet been written, and you are holding the pen with which to compose what happens next.
In these final days of my life as a pastor, as I prepare to step into the next adventure, I am filled with gratitude for all those who have shared themselves with me and allowed me to share myself with them. As I take my leave of the good people at Plymouth Congregational Church, and all of you here in Montana, I invite each of you to step forth into your own next adventure, surrounded by the awareness that whatever comes next you are never alone. God (Sacred Presence, Higher Power, the Universe, Great Mystery, Spirit, whatever names or descriptions you care to use) is always with you, and it is always possible to connect with the people with whom you share life. Vaya con Dios – Go with God!